
General Guidelines for Abstract Submission

1. Abstracts must be prepared according to the format provided (typed in the Microsoft Word template provided in “abstract content guideline” below).

2. Abstract must be submitted through our iNASCON2020 official website ( ) under the ‘registration tab’ together with registration for conference.

3. All presenting authors must be a registered delegate, without exception, to present abstract at scientific sessions. Abstract will be published in the abstract book only if presenting author is registered with full payment by 15 Mac 2020.

4. There are two presentation types, either oral presentation or poster presentation. You may state your preference during submission (as in the provided MS Word template). The Scientific Committee of the conference reserves the right to designate an accepted abstract as oral or poster presentation. The organiser cannot guarantee all accepted abstracts will be given the preferred presentation type because of the limited time slot available for oral presentation.

Abstract Content Guideline

Abstracts must be submitted in English using the Microsoft Word template provided [Download the template here]. The following layout should be followed:

1. Title: Abstract titles should be brief and reflect the content of the abstract. It should be in sentence case, bold, Times New Roman, size 12 point font and left justified. Do not use capital letters in the title except for words that are always capitalised and do not use non-standard abbreviations. Abbreviations may be used in the title, provided the name in full is outlined in the body of the abstract.

2. Authors names: The presenting author is underlined with superscript numbers for institution. Do not include degrees or professional titles (e.g. Dr, Prof. etc.). Authors section to be left aligned, Times New Roman, size 12 point font.

3. Authors affiliation: Corresponding to the superscript numbers, names of institutions should follow, including city, state, postcode and country (in this order). Authors affiliation to be left aligned, Times New Roman, size 10 point font, italics.

4. The abstract body: The abstract should contain original information and should use subheadings to state Purpose, Methods, Result(s) and Conclusion(s). Tables, graphs, images and references must not be included. The abstract body should not exceed 250 words. If exceeding the word limit the abstract will be returned for re-submission. Abstract text must be in Times New Roman, 12 point font size, single-spaced and left and right justified. Leave a line between sections but do not indent. Use standard abbreviations only. Within the body of the abstract, when using abbreviations spell out the name in full at the first mention and follow with the abbreviation in parenthesis. Capitalise the first letter of trade names.

5. References to be included in the text if citation(s) was/were made in the abstract body.

6. Corresponding Author: At the conclusion of the abstract text, a contact author and email address must be listed, e.g., Corresponding author: John Doe;

7. Acknowledgement: Acknowledgements at the end of the abstract left aligned and in Times New Roman font, size 12 point font.

8. Keywords: You should specify at least three keywords

9. Presentation preference: authors should indicate the presentation preference (oral, poster or no preference). Please note that the final decision on the presentation format rests with the Scientific Committee.

10. Topic category: choose the topic category that refers to the main subject of the abstract. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to assign the abstract to a designated category.

Abstract Requirements

The abstracts shall be approximately 200-300 words. Please refer to Instruction For Abstract Submission at our website for details.

© 2019. 2nd INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE 2020 (iNASCON2020), Advanced Medical and Dental Institutte (AMDI), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. All Rights Reserved.