
Call for Abstract

Persatuan Pegawai Sains USM or PPSUSM (Association of Science Officer, USM) invites you to participate in 2nd International Scientific Conference (i-NASCON) 2020 which will be held on 11-12th  April 2020 at the Bayview Beach Resort, Penang.

i-NASCON welcomes the submission of abstracts for Poster and Oral presentations from all participants. By submitting the abstract, the authors grant permission to the Organising Committee to publish the accepted abstracts in the printed version of the programme book.


• To update participants on current medical & health science and science & engineering’s knowledge and skill.
• To share knowledge, experiences and research outcome.
• To foster networking among participants.
• To discuss research ideas and possible future collaborations for human sustainability.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission before:20th FEBRUARY 2020
Notification of Acceptance after :05th MARCH 2020
Deadline of payment:30th MARCH 2020

Scope of Research

Medical & Health SciencesScience & Engineering
Cancer BiologyOral ScienceBiomedical engineeringFood Tecnology
Pharmacology & Toxicology Sport Sciences Chemical engineering Biotechnology
Complementary Medicine Medical Physics Biomaterials Bioinformatics
Stem cells & Regenerative Medicine Halal Science Nanotechnology Environmental Science

Abstract Requirements

The abstracts shall be approximately 200-300 words. Please refer to Instruction For Abstract Submission at our website for details.

© 2019. 2nd INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE 2020 (iNASCON2020), Advanced Medical and Dental Institutte (AMDI), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. All Rights Reserved.